
Two books to inspire the seed saver in all of us.

“Whats your seed story?”



SAVING OUR SEEDS – The Practice & Philosophy
Seed activist Bevin Cohen takes a deep dive into the hows and whys of the modern seed saving movement. A great how-to guide, leading the reader step by step through the process of saving their seeds from 43 different crops; from adzuki beans to wheat and everything in between. Seed savers of all levels will benefit from Bevin’s easy to follow explanations on important techniques such as hand pollination, isolation, vernalization and even basic flower structure.
A book like this would not be complete without stories that honor the many gardeners, farmers and seed keepers that have dedicated their lives to stewarding these heritage varieties. Within these pages, the seed keepers themselves share their stories and help the reader to understand the importance of SAVING OUR SEEDS.

FROM OUR SEEDS & THEIR KEEPERS – A Collection of Stories
Throughout his travels across the country, author Bevin Cohen has collected many interesting and heartwarming stories about heirloom and heritage seeds as well as the people that keep them. This book gives voice to these sacred tales and is told in the words of the seed keepers themselves; a unique blend of history and philosophy. From Our Seeds & Their Keepers is a one of a kind collection of stories that is sure to inspire every gardener to take part in the ancient ritual of seed saving.  Published June 2018


Bevin (Ben) Cohen is a writer, poet, herbalist, gardener, seed saver and wanderer. He lives and works at Small House Farm with his wife, Heather, and two sons, Elijah and Anakin, on their family homestead in Sanford, Michigan. The Cohen family grows seed crops, herbs and flowers and keep a small flock of laying hens. Bevin is also the founder of MI Seed Library, a community seed sharing initiative that has worked closely with a number of communities to help establish seed library programs across his home state and beyond. He spends his time outside of his gardens offering workshops and lectures across the country on the benefits of living closer to the land through seeds, herbs and locally grown food. Bevin finds himself at home wherever his hands are in the soil, sowing the seeds of yesterday to reap the bountiful harvest of tomorrow.

Additional information

Weight 28 oz
Dimensions 8 × 2 × 10 in


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