–1 pack of Costoluto Genovese Tomato ($3.00 value)
A classic Italian heirloom with a unique fluted appearance that has been grown in Genoa since at least the early 19th century.
-1 pack of Pantano Romanesco Tomato ($4.00 value)
Heritage slicer from Rome with vibrant red color and mildly scalloped fruits.
-1 pack of Pomodoro Scatalone Tomato ($3.00 value)
Italian heirloom from Lazio, Italy. Ideal for canning and sauce making. Was often picked early and stored in a box to slowly ripen into winter.
-1 pack of A Grappoli D’Inverno Tomato ($3.00 value)
Crazily productive plants deliver oodles of small, plum shaped fruits. This is an old Italian variety whose name translates to “bunches of winter.”
-1 pack of Calabrian Chili Pepper ($3.00 value)
A classic pepper from Calabria, Italy. A bit hotter than a jalapeno, with a subtle, fruity flavor. Perfect when dried and ground into flakes or packed in oil.
-1 pack of Cannellino Nero Beans ($4.00 value)
A very rare variety from the Basilicata region of Italy. These beans are of superb quality and as a dry bean, they make a beautiful dish with pasta.
-1 pack of Florence Fennel ($3.00 value)
Known as finocchio in Italy this aromatic herb is grown for its dark green foliage and vibrant white bulb. (not available anywhere else on our site!)
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